Einführung in Ansible
Systemd – mehr als nur ein neues Init-System
Aktueller Stand IPv6 (2014)
Kerberos - Sichere Authentifizierung seit 30 Jahren
IPv6 - Migration, Betrieb und Deployment
Zwischen PUE, UEFI und IPv6 - Eindrücke aus einem Datacenter (Vortrag zum 191. UNIX-Stammtisch an der TU-Chemnitz)
Adios CVS, aber wie?
- Migration mit cvs2svn, Einstieg in Subversion
Programmierung von Webapplikation mit Perl / MySQL
Samba im Einsatz
Using Case-based Reasoning to Control Traffic Consumption
ISBN-13: 978-3836449571
Quality of Service (QoS) is commonly used to shape network traffic to meet
specified criteria. The various scenarios include limiting and reserving
bandwidth for a particular application, host or user, prioritizing latency
sensitive traffic or equal distribution of unreserved bandwidth. There are,
however, other applications, such as distributing and controlling a traffic
quota. These are very common in shared networks, where QoS provides more
sophisticated means than fixed per user limits and simple disconnection after
the user reaches the limit. The simplest approach to restrict the bandwidth to
a fixed rate is a rather awkward albeit effective solution. The DynShaper
software takes a more sophisticated approach to this problem. This book covers
the algorithms used by the DynShaper software to create a fair and efficient
distribution of a traffic quota in shared networks.
Dynamic Bandwith Management at Student Network Chemnitz (CSN) (German) -
seminar paper describing the inner workings of the shaping solution used by CSN. The described
mechanisms evolved from the diploma thesis of
Jan Horbach and led to a more efficient model. (Download Dynshaper software)
A Scalable Packet Filtering Concept - a design
concept for IPTables-based firewalls making extensive use of MARK and CONNMARK for marking
and partial matching
A packet filter script using IPTables (Download)
Using Nginx as SSL reverse proxy in Debian Wheezy for Perfect Forward Secrecy